Tuesday Morning Flow 2/13/24

In this class we explore the fuzzy distinction between side bending, or parśva poses, and twists, or parivṛtta poses. Anatomically, side bends and twists typically ask a combination of both actions in our spines.

Poses featured include supta sukhāsana and parśva sukhāsana (supine cross-legged pose and easy cross-legged pose with a forward fold and side bend), parivṛtta utkatāsana (rotated chair pose), parivṛtta anjaneyāsana (rotated crescent lunge), ardha badha pādmottānāsa (half bound standing lotus pose), and parivṛtta paścimottānāsana (rotated forward fold).

Recommended Props:
(2) blocks
(1) strap
(1) blanket

Tuesday Morning Flow 2/6/24


Tuesday Morning Flow 1/2/24